Friday, August 5, 2011

CUREXO-IDS Conducts Research Refresher Workshop for CBA, CAS and Graduate School

Professor Noel Alegre and Dr. Martiniano Jake Neri III have recently provided refresher training to the College of Business Administration and the College of Arts and Sciences. Noel took charge of the topic of how to conceptualize a Research Problem and Jake talked about Literature Review and Automating bibliography, respectively. CBA started their workshop last June 30 while CAS had theirs last July 28.

Prof. Alegre delivering his topic: "Problematizing" Research Problems

This activity is set to systematically allow each department to come up with research outputs in a step-by-step process. The workshop requires participants an output, which will be the foundation of a collaborative effort to come up with a proposal good for the entire semester.

Jakee and Review of Related Studies with Automating Bibliography

The College of Business Administration has signified 2-3 research proposals due to be submitted to CUREXO-IDS anytime soon. Other parts of the research workshop will be facilitated by Dr. Escalante (Research Designs) and Dr. Pontillas with Prof. Alegre (Instrumentation, Data Gathering Techniques and  Report Writing ), Professors Deuda and Budlong (Treatment of Data) Dr. Cimene (Logic Review).    

On the other hand, the Graduate School also conducted a similar activity. Last July 9, Professor Noel started the said workshop with Problem Conceptualization and was followed through by Dr. Escalante and Dr. Flores with Research Designs.

Dr. Escalante explaining New Research Design

Dr. Flores giving samples from his experience

Good luck, Researchers!

Research Proposal Standard Form

All research proposals submitted to CUREXO-IDS follows the university standard form (CU-QMS-RD-001). This form contains five parts, namely:


1.1  Background of the Proposed Topic:  This provides a very brief introduction citing literature/studies reviewed and a statement of justification/rationale of the proposed study.  This will give a very brief history/account of the past, if there is any that led/urged the proponent/s to do a study on the topic proposed.  This introduction shall also present the significance or possible impact of the proposed research on the university, college or department, community, region or nation.

1.2   Goals and Objectives:  This portion of the proposal states both the general/broad and specific goals/objectives that the study would like to achieve.  Research goals and objectives are not only specific but should also be measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. 

1.3    End-Users/Beneficiaries:  This identifies the probable end-users or beneficiaries of the research findings/results to highlight/emphasize the doing the proposed study on the topic.


This outlines, identifies and describes the steps/procedure to be followed in the conduct of the study, the design of the study, method/s and instruments to be used for collecting the information required to answer questions or problems raised by the proponent/s, the sampling procedure as well as the sample or respondents and, the tools and techniques to be used for the study.


This includes preparation of a Gantt chart of activities indicating the time-frame and schedule of, especially the major, activities that should be carried out within the duration of the study.  This should also include a plan or plans for research dissemination and utilization.


The major part of this will be a presentation of the financial resource/s that will be needed by the research project to be completed.  This includes items like honoraria for the researcher/s and research assistants, travel and meal allowances, cost of processing the data for the study, supplies and equipment required by the study, and production of the final research report/s.


This portion is intended to provide relevant information regarding the research capability of the proponent/s.

Proponents are encouraged to follow this format, although the traditional format (e.g. Chapters 1, 2 and 3) may also be acceptable. You may secure this form through email by calling Ms. Joan Joaquino at local 277.

CUREXO-IDS Policy on Joint Authorship

CUREXO-IDS would like to inform the general public that plans to avail of the department’s assistance and administration of studies and researches recently adopted a new policy that covers collaborative studies that involves two or more authors.

A document is now available from the department that requires all parties concerned to enter into a formal agreement.  Individuals engaging in a joint (faculty, non-teaching staff or students) research endeavor should agree among themselves the workload of each member and the extent of their participation up to the completion of the work.

The said document is supported by a succeeding form that supersedes the current agreement in case one member of the party fails to perform his/her responsibility or do his/her assignment  accordingly. It is initiated by any member of the group in case he/she feels that a certain affiliate of the study fails or ceases to provide significant contribution to the study and will also delay its completion. This manuscript is considered a legal document governing the responsibilities of each member of the team as well as their rightful titles according to their participation of the said study.

Interested parties may contact Ms. Joan Joaquino for its soft form, or call local 277.   

CUREXO Director to Present Health Study in PNHRS in Bacolod City

The Director of CUREXO-IDS, Dr.  Numeriano Escalante, Jr., will be in Bacolod City to represent Capitol University for a weeklong celebration of the 5th Philippine National Health Research System week. This event is hosted by the Western Visayas Health Research and Development Consortium and will run from the 10th of August until the 12th. This year’s theme is Convergence in Divergence: Innovations for better Health.  

Dr. Escalante will be bringing with him the 2008 study entitled “Labor Migration and the Health of Children left behind: Relationships and Implications”.  This paper was published in the Asian Journal of Public Administration and was co-authored by Prof. Noel Alegre, Dr. Francis Anthony Marfori, Dr. Noreen Pontillas and Dr. Francis Thaise Cimene. 

Instead of the usual Scientific Poster, CUREXO-IDS will be presenting an Info-Graphic in a poster form.  The said poster is available for viewing below this post.

Congratulation to the team, and more Power to Capitol University!